The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed on this website, including Op-Ed / Articles, or user-generated content, are solely those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Pima County Republican Party, its affiliates, or any other individuals associated with the Pima County Republican Party. Visit Grassroots Gazette / Newsletters for more Op-Eds and Articles.

August 20, 2024

Boiled Frogs

By Dave Smith, Pima County Republican Party Chairman


Well, I must give the Democrats credit for honesty for a change. They have put the pot on high to try to boil the frog and this election will see if we are going to jump out or go full Soviet, a boiled frog who doesn’t recognize he’s been cooked. Kamala Harris has chosen a Chinese Communist admiring governor to be her running mate, ending any doubt about the future of the Democrat Party. No moderation, no compromise, just full government control and Soviet-style price controls. Blaming the social ills on everything and everyone but their own failed social programs. War on Poverty…failed. Inflation control…failed. World Peace…failed. You name a single social issue, and it has deteriorated under the Leftist Utopian fantasy.

Time to fight, time to stand up, time to deny the lies, time to put our differences aside and work together. We keep talking about November, but the election started with the Primaries ending and the candidates for both sides decided. Leftist policies always count on using envy, fear, bribery for power. Never mind the implementation is never explained or even executed since the Left counts on the media propaganda machine rewriting history from day to day to gaslight the masses.

We don’t hear much about the Trump assassination attempt or the Biden crime family, or even the giant boondoggle the Ukrainian aid has become. Israel is still at war but that is on page 4 and inflation is hardly mentioned at all. Trump is coming to the border but Kamala’s failures including the Border Czar status are so quickly ignored while glowing reviews abound for her…her…actually just for her but not anything about her?

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the Left plans to destroy Pima County and Arizona with a Left-wing takeover. School boards are on the line, the Board of Supervisors is within our grasp if we fight but lost if we don’t. Constables, and the Sheriff can be ours along with the Recorder’s Office, the State legislature, and the Treasurer if we fight together not against each other. Congress will be up for grabs with Arizona a pivotal States as it is for the Presidential struggle.

“I am voting!” you say! That’s great. We need more than that. We need you to proselytize freedom and the Republican Platform to preserve it. We need you to put a sign in your yard, come make calls, or knock on doors, or work the polls, or even just come work in the new office answering calls. In other words, we need you to help. Yes, the Dems have money, and organization, and the media, and are willing to lie to achieve their aims, but we have something they don’t…YOU!

You matter, you make a difference, and we need that difference. The sharp left turn of the Democrats has alienated a lot of independents and moderates and many just need to know we Republicans do represent working-class America, Christian Values, protecting the family, education not indoctrination, the right to keep and bear arms, and the right to life…period.

Spread the word, stand for the truth and vote for all the Republicans when you get the ballot. No Republican name should be left unvoted for! As the election gets closer, we will get into the propositions and the one’s to support and the ones to deny. Let’s ride!

August 7, 2024

Join the Team

By Dave Smith, Pima County Republican Party Chairman


For all of us Republicans the intramurals are over. Whether your preferred candidates won or lost it is time to get focused on the upcoming General Election in November and put animosity aside. Each of us has our favorites and the harder you worked for them the harder the loss. The stress of the molasses-like slow election process the Left has given us in Arizona adds further angst to the process, so I sympathize with those of you still feeling bitter on top of lamenting your losses. The choice of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz for the Democrat’s vice-presidential candidate shows us they are going for broke in a Leftist takeover.

Never forget Walz encouraged the George Floyd riots and is literally a poster boy for the utopian dreams of New Democrat Party’s embrace of Soviet-style governing. It’s time to close ranks and fight for Pima County, for Arizona, and for the country we all love. A lot of people think checking the box for Trump/Vance is the answer and the only obligation they have, but for those who know, fighting this wave of totalitarian efforts requires voting from the bottom of the ticket to the top, PLUS knocking on doors, donating, putting up signs, making calls, texting, volunteering at campaign and party offices, and stopping the attacks on other Republicans.

During Ben Franklin’s time his favorite illustration for working together during times of crisis was the image of a snake in cut into fragments representing each of the colonies and the title, “Join or Die!” He used it in the French and Indian Wars, and the Revolutionary War and historians even say it was resurrected during the Civil War. I think it is appropriate to review it again today. South Carolina and Virginia were often at odds with Massachusetts and New York, but Franklin emphasized the mutual enemy not the differences in the States.

Recognition of the importance of this election, the threat presented by a Leftist takeover of the Presidency, the Senate, the House, the Arizona Senate and House, the chance to change the Pima County Board of Supervisors, your School Board, the Recorder, the Sheriff, Constables, and secure the border, reduce crime, control drug trafficking, focus on homelessness, stop inflation, and I could go on and on. YOU can fight back by joining forces with the rest of Republican Party and win.

I was talking to a good friend yesterday who was furious at those who supported a winning candidate over his. He railed about the negative side of the campaign and false statements and finally said he felt he might not even vote for that position. I explained the ramifications of shifting any branch of government even further into the Left’s power and holding your nose and voting for someone you just spent a year fighting against was our only hope. All of you have played on teams with folks you just didn’t like but if you wanted to win you focused on your assignment and worked as a team. That is what I am asking you to do. Play your position, be a team player, win the damn game!

The Pima County Republican Party has sought to support all candidates with resources and still do. If you need signs, come get some; if you want to work for a campaign, go on our website and get the campaign’s information, donate - not just money but time. Don’t like knocking on doors? Come text, fill out postcards, put up signs, repair signs, do anything you can, except sit on the couch and complain.

We have faced crisis throughout our lives, but this season’s election is a challenge like no other. The American people have a chance for a nonviolent revolution every four years by voting and this is the time to stand up for your family, your neighbors, your state and your nation. Come join us on the team!

September 3, 2024

Coming to a Town Near You!

By Bruce Westberg, Precinct Committeeman

On August 28, 2024, Fox 31 News in Denver, Colorado released door-cam video of armed Venezuelan gang members going door to door and taking over an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado.  The video showed these thugs with rifles and handguns simply barging into individual and family apartments like they owned the place.  Hundreds of families were forced to flee from the Fitzsimon’s apartment complex once it was apparently too dangerous to remain in their homes.  The city tried to claim the complex was closed to “code violations,” but unless you are sucking up Kool-Aid like water from a firehose, that seems unlikely.  It seems more logical that police could no longer protect the residents at that location due to the influx of migrant gangs (as a side note, where did these illegal migrants get all those guns?).  You will be happy to hear there is nothing to see here.  Following the news reports, Colorado Governor Jared Polis asserted that this incident, and the associated danger, was “imaginary.”  I’m sure the victims felt much better when hearing the calming words of their governor. 

Scary?…yes.  Unfortunate?…of course.  A difficult situation?…without a doubt.  But there is no way this is occurring in other cities across the country.  There is no way we let in that many bad actors in the name of compassion.  We are just letting in asylum seekers fleeing from dangerous countries.  They are just trying to make a better life for themselves and their families away from the horrors of war, climate change and famine.  There is no way we would see a repeat of these crazy circumstances in other places.  This is probably just a one off in a very dangerous part of one city.  These people love the United States and want nothing more than to be productive citizens, pay their taxes and assimilate into this great melting pot…right?...right?!!

Let’s start with this.  It wasn’t just one apartment complex that had been taken over in Aurora.  Instead, it was later reported as several apartments’ complexes.  However, not to be uncaring, that is a million miles away from the cities and towns in Arizona.  I mean, that couldn’t happen here, could it?  I would argue, if we start seeing a repeat of these situations, then there might be cause for concern.  But that hasn’t happe…

The New York Police Department is now reporting that 75% of their arrests are illegal aliens.  These assimilators are being arrest for crimes such as assault, robbery, and domestic violence…but that’s New York.  That’s to be expected.  But wait, what’s this?   

On September 2, 2024, the Chicago Police Department was dispatched to an apartment complex after reports of 32 armed Venezuelan migrants trying to take over.  This act of aggression resulted in local Chicago street gangs demanding the Venezuelans be removed from the city, or they are willing to go to battle.  Nothing like a good, old-fashioned gang war to spice things up as we approach the biggest election cycle of our lives.  But, once again, that isn’t going to happen here.  That’s crazy talk. 

Remember, Joe Biden has literally been flying migrants in from other countries and depositing them strategically in states to affect the election.  Arizona happens to be one of those states that has been filled to the brim.  The Democrats are doing everything they can to open the elections so non-citizens can vote.  They are either denying laws that would secure our elections or blatantly passing laws to allow illegal aliens the opportunity to cast a ballot.  Not to go too far afield but think of the consequences if things got bad enough and citizens were too afraid to leave their homes to vote.   What if the danger was so severe that those in power declared voting in person was not an option and we should therefore have universal mail in voting.  Nothing could go wrong with that.  We are being manipulated.  A Volatile cocktail is being brewed.  Our country is becoming more violent by the day and the powers that be are doing nothing about it…almost like they are enjoying the show.  This isn’t random, or a surprise to anyone.  It is intentional and by design.  First, protect yourselves and your families.  Second, hold these politicians responsible at the ballot box.  Third, if a democrat (or RINO), has their mouth open, they are lying.  The next couple of weeks will be interesting…to say the least.  Stay safe.  Pay attention.  Don’t believe everything you are told.

September 1, 2024

Trying to Cut Off the Flow of Information

By Bruce Westberg, Precinct Committeeman

The mainstream media is dying a slow death, and its days seen as a legitimate news source are numbers.  The obituary will not identify the cause of death as natural causes, or a homicide…more like an assisted suicide.  They did it to themselves by destroying their credibility and assuming the American public was stupid.  I see this as a good thing since watching the cable news networks doesn’t make people more informed and intelligent about the events of the day.  Instead, it is like a televised lobotomy for the people who are still drinking their Kool-Aid.  You would think a sane person would do some self-reflection and seek a cure or relief from their pain, suffering and ultimate demise.  Instead, the have decided to suffer a million cuts while denying you of the cure to their disease.  They have concluded, if you won’t expose yourself to our infected propaganda, we will cut you off from the vaccine. 

On August 24, 2024, Pavel Durov was arrested by French authorities as he exited his plane in Paris.  For those who don’t know who Mr. Durov is, he is the CEO of the messaging app Telegram.  The “charge?”  The French government claimed he was facilitating terrorism, narcotics trafficking, fraud, money laundering, receiving stolen goods, child criminal content…you get the idea.  He’s a real bad guy, right?  He’s like the Al Capone of the internet, right?  Hardly…the French accused him of these horrible crimes because, “lack of moderation, cooperation with the police and the tools offered by Telegram (disposable number, cryptocurrencies, etc.) makes it complicit in drug trafficking, pedophile offences and fraud.” Translation…you wouldn’t let us control your free speech platform, so we’re going to throw you in prison.  France isn’t the only country frustrated with Telegram’s lack of cooperation.  The United States alphabet agencies have been working for years to access user information, which is the whole point of Telegram.  It is an engagement platform where users don’t have to worry about the government spying on them.  You know…kind of like what the first amendment calls for. 

I know…some of you are thinking, “come on…that’s tinfoil hat talk.  The United States government doesn’t care what I am talking about with my friends.”  For the naysayers, Mark Zuckerberg just pulled back the curtain and exposed the wizard.  On August 24, 2024 (coincidentally, the same day of Pavel Durov’s arrest in France), Mr. Zuckerberg wrote a letter to Jim Jordan, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee.  In his letter, Mr. Zuckerberg stated, “In 2021, senior officials from the Biden Administration, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our team for months to censor certain COVID -19 content, including humor and satire, and expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn’t agree.  Ultimately, it was our decision whether or not to take content down and we own our decision.”  He went on to state, “In a separate situation, the FBI warned us about a potential Russian disinformation operation about the Biden family and Burisma in the lead up to the 2020 election…It’s since been made clear that the reporting was not Russian disinformation, and in retrospect, we shouldn’t have demoted the story.”  The logical question is, why has a formal investigation into the Biden crime family not been launched today?  Why is their not congressional hearings into the FBI and complicit alphabet agencies occurring on television as you are reading this? 

So, did Mark Zuckerberg buy a soul?  Doubtful, considering his eagerness to censor Americans and deny them access to fact-based information and reporting.  Instead, the good news is even Mark Zuckerberg is predicting a Trump win and is being a fair weathered fan.  Should we assume the Biden administration made a conciliatory apology for their actions?  No such luck.  The Biden regime responded, “…we believe tech companies should take into account the effects their actions have on the American people, while making independent choices about the information they present.”  You catch that?  They didn’t say dis-information.  Essentially, they asserted, how dare you Mark Zuckerberg to give information we don’t want people to see to the American public! 

Well, it sounds like that’s all cleared up and the government will cease and desist with their shenanigans.  Don’t count on it.  If the leftist governments of the world are willing to arrest one rich guy because he won’t play ball, what makes us believe they won’t do it again as we approach the most important presidential election of our lifetime?  We already know the deep state, leftists and RINO contingent of politicians in this country are doing everything they can to at least convict, if not jail, their political rival.  What could possibly be next? 

On August 31, 2024, The Guardian published an article by Robert Reich, an influential economist, and the former Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton.  Based upon his political beliefs I will, from this point forward, personally refer to him as Robert “Third” Reich.  In his article he has called upon “global regulators” to arrest Elon Musk for…wait for it…for essentially owning X.  I would have laughed this off a couple weeks ago as being ridiculous; however, now that they have actually arrested a multi-millionaire for the crime of allowing free speech…well…it doesn’t seem like such a crazy premise, anymore.  I will say it again.  If they are willing to go after the most powerful voices in the world, they wouldn’t give a second thought to arresting…or killing…any of us.  Let me say it loud and clear for all to hear.  I am not suicidal, and I just did preventive maintenance on my car.  Stay frosty my friends, keep your heads on a swivel, and protect your families.  Things are getting weirder and weirder by the day.      

September 5, 2024

Lawfare on Public Display

By Bruce Westberg, Precinct Committeeman

This will be a short one but is critical to the future of the country.  On July 31, 2024, Chief of Public Affairs for the U.S. Department of Justice, Nicholas Biase, was surreptitiously taped in a social setting discussing the lawfare cases being used to attack Donald Trump.  I have included the relevant X post from Steven Crowder, as well as the specific link to the video below.  If you ever questioned whether the federal government would actually attempt to convict and jail a former president and current candidate for the position, this information should eliminate any doubt.   

S Crowder Status 1

S Crowder Status 2

Here is my question to you.  If they are willing to go after one of the most influential men on the planet, what makes you think they would think twice about going after any of us?  This cannot be ignored.  We cannot sit idly by and watch corruption on full display without doing anything about it.  Call your representatives and senators.  I don’t care what party they represent or whether you believe they will listen.  Bury them with phone calls, email messages and social media.  Do not let them ignore us.  Make sure they know we are paying attention and that we will not go quietly into that good night.  Make them fear us politically.  That is the only way we win our country back. 

While you are at it, The U.S. House of Representatives just passed the SAVE Act, which requires proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections.  Almost every Democrat voted against the act to ensure illegal aliens can vote.  I would mention your support for the measure in your correspondences. 

September 11, 2024

The Deb(cle)te

By Bruce Westberg, Precinct Committeeman

So, here is my take.  Any person’s assessment of the debate that occurred last night comes down to one of a couple of viewpoints.  First, if you are a person who was desperate to justify a vote for Kamala and were willing to ignore anything resembling the truth, while paying no attention to the behavior of the moderators, then you had a relatively benign night that didn’t do any significant damage to your desired outcome.  Second, if you are a Trump supporter and went into the event looking for a repeat of the Biden debate performance and are disappointed you didn’t get it, then I would argue you were being delusional.  The Biden debate was a battle between a powerful, confident man and a brain-dead, frail old man suffering from dementia who should have never been allowed to take the stage.  Kamala is a communist and not so smart.  However, she is not suffering from mental illness.  I know, I know…insert joke here.  Third, if you believe the debate was a fair representation of the facts and issues, I will generally call it a draw.  Finally, if you were willing to do a little digging and conduct your own research, if you were doing your own real time fact checking, If you acknowledge President Trump was debating three people at that podium, and  you are knowledgeable when it comes to what is happening in this country and the world, you most likely walked away as angry as the 45th president was. 

If you didn’t have time or resources to verify what was said, or you missed her lying, let me help you out. 

At one point, Donald Trump criticized Kamala for her handling of the border as our “Border Czar.”  He brought up the point that Haitian immigrants in Ohio are eating geese from local ponds and consuming resident’s pets like livestock.  Kamala Harris laughed this off as if it was crazy talk.  Here is the proof…

Laura Loomer Status

Donald J. Trump Jr. Status

YouTube Video

Kamala Claimed she wouldn’t come after people’s firearms because she and her running mate are gun owners…hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…oh wait…she is trying to be serious.  Let me laugh event harder…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…!!!

Kamala repeated the Charlottesvile lie, despite the fact this has been repeatedly debunked.  The moderators did nothing in response. 

 Kamala claimed that her values had not changed, despite flip-flopping on almost every issue important to the American people.  These issues included her positions on fracking, guns, private insurance, etc.  At one point the moderators interrupted President Trump to dispute his claim that some state governors are allowing post-birth abortions.  Here are the facts:

Guns:  Trump War Room Status;Cortes Steve Status

Private Health Insurance: Donald J. Trump Status

Post Birth Abortion: Daily Signal; Trump War Room

Fracking: Dave McCormick PO Status

Illegal immigration: YouTube Video

You are watching a movie.  A very well scripted movie.  But the opinions offered in this movie are slanted in one direction.  We need to control the message and get the truth out.  The danger is we may lose people to demoralization.  Trump won that debate…hands down.  Don’t let anyone get away with telling you otherwise. 

September 9, 2024


By Bruce Westberg, Precinct Committeeman

This past Saturday, I attended church (my wife likes to go on Saturday nights because she likes to watch football on Sundays…She grew up in Green Bay, Wisconsin and is part owner of the team).  I must say, I was initially shocked by the topic as I felt it was somewhat taboo in a church setting, but the pastor actually delved into the topic of…politics.  Almost immediately, two men stood up and walked out of the room.  They should have given it a chance.  The pastor didn’t take a political stand, right or left.  Instead, he said we should vote courageously, and that courage comes from being Biblical, rather than political.  We have reached a point where we hate each other simply because of our political affiliation.  I don’t hate Democrats.  It’s like the song goes, “There ain’t no good guys.  There ain’t no bad guys.  There’s only you and me and we just disagree”.  Now I must admit, I find myself drawing the line when a political position is purely evil from my religious and political worldview; however, I will always listen to another person’s belief system…at least until they start shouting at me, breaking stuff, and assaulting people.  This is where the Marxists, true leftists and globalists lose me.  In the end, they know they can’t win the argument, so their only recourse is to try and scare people into submission.  I believe we are witnessing the deconstruction of those very real efforts.

There have been days when I wake up and wonder why God would have allowed our Christian nation to fall into our current state of turmoil.   I should state clearly and with conviction, I do believe that this nation was formed with Judeo-Christian values as its guiding principles and will perish without them.   As a matter of history, George Washington stated, “It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.”  So why are we such a mess, right now?  Just because we were born as a Christian nation, does not mean we won’t face challenges.  Furthermore, it does not mean we don’t have to listen to the politicians that don’t hold to our values.  The Bible is clear on this point.  Romans 13:4-5 states, “The authorities are God’s servants, sent for your good.  But if you are doing wrong, of course you should be afraid, for they have the power to punish you.  They are God’s servants, sent for the very purpose of punishing those who do what is wrong.  So you must submit to them, not only to avoid punishment, but also to keep a clear conscience.”  Does this mean we just have to sit back and take it when politicians do things we consider a contradiction to the Constitution, act in ways that are inherently evil, immoral, corrupt or criminal?  Of course not.  Instead, I believe God guides us in the direction he wants us to go.  Sometimes that is driven by reward…sometimes by pain.  I believe our current situation is a “God-smack” intended to wake us up.  Remember, he made the Jews wander the desert for 40 years because they didn’t do what he commanded.  I think we are wandering right now for that very same reason.  1 Timothy 4:7 states, “Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wives’ tales.  Instead, train yourself to be godly.”  The politicians (I would argue on both sides) have done a very good job of dividing us.  They know we are weakest when we are stuck fighting over ridiculous things.  We need to turn back to our principles, especially Christians, and start voting by the book.  This brings me to the point of this article. 

We find ourselves in our current situation because those with true conviction are not participating and guiding the future of this great nation.  I was shocked to discover after just a little research that 30% of Christians are not registered to vote.  Furthermore, A 2016 survey by the Barna Group revealed some disturbing and disappointing information.  At that time, 43% of evangelicals were not going to vote for either candidate.  The survey does not reveal the reasons why; however, I have some theories.  First, I think it is possible that the idea of, “Live in the world, not of it,” might be creating a sense of complacency and assumption that God is in charge and that he will ultimately lead us through this desert.  I do believe that, in the end, God wins.  That does not mean that we get to stop listening to him or taking prescribed action.  Remember, he brought the Jews to the promise land…and they chose not to enter it.  That is all on them.  Their decision cost them 40 years of wandering.  Second, I think some Christians get hung up on the character of the candidate as opposed to voting according to what the book says.  A candidate might be a terrible person, but if they are serving God’s plan, then that is the person we should be voting for.  Not participating is not a justifiable position to take.  In my opinion, it is simply being lazy and not taking responsibility.  Scott Pressler, a conservative activist, has stated, “If every Christian voted, we would never lose another Presidential election ever.”  Now Scott is not my preferred vessel for that message, but understand, it doesn’t matter.  I believe God is using him.  For all these reasons, I believe we are missing the boat.  We are trying to convince people that are too far gone to convince.  Instead, we are ignoring the problem in our own backyard.  We should be approaching churches and requesting opportunities to register voters.  We should be talking to our evangelical friends and make sure they are going to vote.  Even if some of them are going to vote in contradiction to our beliefs, I still believe God will win.  If we can’t win there, how can we possibly win.  God is on our side; we just need to listen.  The doors to the promised land are open.  We just need to walk through.        

September 1, 2024

For Those Who Ask – “Why Bother to Vote?”

By Katta Mapes, Precinct Committeeman

 An all-too-common theme among eligible Republican voters is the sound of discouragement with election integrity. As we approach the highly critical 2024 election year, it is more important than ever for every eligible citizen to exercise their right to vote. The future of our country literally depends on it. Despite the challenges and concerns surrounding the electoral process, it is crucial that we do not succumb to cynicism and apathy. Your vote has the power to make a difference and shape the course of our nation.

My Vote Won’t Count

One of the most common arguments against voting is the belief that individual votes do not count in a large-scale election. It's easy to feel insignificant in the face of millions of voters, but every single vote contributes to the overall outcome. Elections have been decided by mere handfuls of votes in the past, underscoring the impact that each individual can have on the final tally. By adding your voice to the collective, you are helping to shape the future in a meaningful way. Also, your live vote will counterbalance any ballots from dead people who might still be on the voter rolls.  True there are currently more Democrat Voters than Republican ones in Pima County.

Dems = 223,922

Republicans = 174,401

But, considering that there are also the “Others” – totaling 207,087, there are that many more chances that these voters will vote for Republican candidates.

 Note: These statistics are from the Pima County Recorder’s office.

The Election Will Be Stolen so Why Bother to Vote?

Another common concern is the fear that the election will be stolen or manipulated, rendering voting pointless. While these concerns are valid and should not be dismissed, the best way to combat these threats is by participating in the electoral process. By turning out in high numbers, we can make it more difficult for any potential manipulations to sway the results. Additionally, staying informed about election integrity efforts and holding officials accountable is crucial in ensuring a fair and transparent election.

Be a Mindful Voter                                                                          

It is important to remember that voting is not just about the outcome of a single election; it is about exercising a fundamental right and fulfilling a civic duty. Our democracy relies on the participation of its citizens to function effectively. By voting, you are contributing to the health of our democratic system and helping to ensure that the voices of the people are heard. 

2024 is One of the Most Important Election in Recent History

Furthermore, the 2024 election is shaping up to be a pivotal moment in our nation's history. The decisions made by our elected officials will have far-reaching consequences for years to come. Issues such as llegal immigration, are on the line, and your vote can help shape the policies and direction of our country.

While it can be easy to feel disillusioned by the electoral process, we must remember that our voices matter and our votes count. By participating in the 2024 election, you are taking a stand for democracy, for justice, and for the future of our country. So, I urge you to register, educate yourself on the candidates and issues, and show up on election day. Your vote is your voice – make it heard.

 If you need help with your voter registration or other needs contact the Pima County Republican Party Headquarters at:  HQ@PimaGOP.orq or call 520-321-1492. Sign up to receive all newsletters to stay informed about all tings related to our party and look for ways to get involved.at this link: www.pimagop.org.

I identify as an American.

Note: This article is a joint venture with Natural Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence.

September 9, 2024

The Massive Mail-In Voting Push

By Irene Lavor, Precinct Committeeman

We must wake up!  It may appear to many of us that, barring a corrupt one-sided justice system, Trump will surely be re-elected president of the United States in November 2024.  Unfortunately, Republicans will probably face a tougher climb in the general election than we realize.  There are two major reasons for this situation.  First, fundamental changes in state election laws have been made since the 2020 election without proper legislative approval.  Second, an alliance of left-wing federal, corporate, financial, and non-profit entities have given the Democratic Party advantages that the Republican Party may have trouble overcoming.  This brings me to my purpose for writing this piece.  Is the rise in mass mail-in voting a convenience or a pathway to fraud?

Perhaps the most alluring of all the electoral opportunities brought about by the pandemic and civil unrest was the beginning of universal, unsolicited mail-in ballots which are still in use in some states. In the book “Our Broken Elections”, Mr. Fund and Mr. von Spakovsky wrote that, “the flood of millions of mail-in ballots opened the system to unprecedented confusion and largely untraceable fraud.”  They also wrote, “There’s a reason that a bipartisan commission co-chaired by former President Jimmy Carter in 2005 called mail-in absentee ballots the ‘largest source of potential voter fraud’ and that most countries in the European Union have banned ‘postal voting’ over the same concerns.

According to the Census Bureau, 43 percent of American voters cast ballots by mail in 2020.  This is double the 21 percent who did so in 2016.  The year 2020 was an exceptional year because of the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  However, the United States is still experiencing a longer-term transition to an absentee ballot system from a voting in-person system.  Right now California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, and the District of Columbia have “mostly mail voting” systems according to research done by the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL).

The 2020 election saw record levels of voter turnout, but the shift away from traditional voting methods also corresponds with a decline in trust in America’s electoral system.  A poll done in October 2023 by the Public Affairs Council, found that only 37 percent of Americans believe the 2024 elections will be both “honest and open,” and 43 percent expressed “serious doubts” about election integrity.  The question becomes whether the loss of trust stems from losing candidates saying that the elections were stolen from them, or from America changing to a system that prioritizes convenience over one that prioritized integrity.        

 A study based on a Heartland Institute/Rasmussen survey in December 2023 examined the likely effect that fraudulent mail-in ballots had in the 2020 presidential election.  The survey suggested that roughly 28.2 percent of respondents who voted by mail committed at least one type of behavior that is “under most circumstances, illegal” and so basically amounts to voter fraud.  According to the Heartland/Rasmussen researchers, “This means that more than one-in-four ballots cast by mail in 2020 were likely cast fraudulently, and thus should not have been counted.  The researchers did note that,  “…there are narrow exceptions where a surveyed behavior may be legal, like filling out a mail-in ballot on behalf of another voter if that person is blind, illiterate, or disabled, and requests assistance.”  In conclusion, the researchers felt confident in their overall assessment that the level of mail-in ballot fraud was over 25 percent signifying an actual Trump win, and that the “best available evidence suggests that mail-in ballot fraud significantly impacted the 2020 presidential election in favor of Joe Biden.”  More than 43 percent of the 2020 votes were cast by mail.  This is the highest percentage in U.S. history.  It is important and of interest to note that the huge expansion of mail-in ballots during the pandemic was often done without legislative approval.  Also included in this study was a chart from Cybersecurity and Infrastructures Security Agency (CISA) and the America First Legal (AFL) which stated, “For mail-in voting some of the risk under the control of election officials during in-person voting shifts to outside entities, such as ballot printers, mail processing facilities, and the U.S. Postal Service.”

Leftist supporters of “all mail-in” voting like to point to the cost savings to local governments as a main benefit of this system.  It is different from “early” or “absentee” voting because all ballots are distributed and returned by mail which marks an end to traditional neighborhood, precinct-based voting.  Unfortunately, depending on the reliability of the U.S. Postal Service to, in essence, conduct our elections this potentially presents major problems, especially when related to mail delivery.  Take for example that, in Florida in 2020 it is estimated that thousands of absentee ballots were not counted because they arrived after Election Day.

In January 2023, the Public Interest Legal Foundation published a report on the November 2022 elections which stated:  (1) California election officials were unable to account for approximately 10 million ballots that had been mailed to California voters before the election; (2) election officials rejected 226,250 ballots that had been mailed back of which more than 57,000 were rejected because they arrived after the November 15th deadline for being counted.  The experiences in two of the largest states in the country speak volumes about the dangers of entrusting our election processes to the U.S. Postal Service!

In addition, voting by mail intensifies the possibility of voter fraud because it makes it possible for an individual or individuals to collect ballots and dump them.  Think about it.  There is no possibility of checking voter ID with mailed ballots.  According to Curtis Gans, director of the Center for the Study of the American Electorate, vote-buying is easier with mail-in ballots.

Delaware had enacted laws that attempted to grant every voter the opportunity to vote by mail and register to vote up to the day of the general election.  In October 2022 the Delaware Supreme Court struck down the vote-by-mail and same day voter registration statues because those provisions, without permission, expanded those practices far beyond the limitations set in the Delaware Constitution.

America First Legal uncovered documents from the Department of Homeland Security’s CISA proving that CISA was aware of “three major challenges” with mail-in voting, seen during the primary elections.  Those “three major challenges” are:  physically mailing and returning the ballots would be difficult, high numbers of ballots would be incorrectly completed, and there would likely be a shortage of personnel to process ballots.

Fraud must be looked at to be detected and most election officials aren’t that excited about investigating for fraud.  Honest researchers admit no one knows the amount of fraud that is occurring in elections.  Defenders of the status quo like to point out the lack of proven fraud cases associated with mail-in voting, and unless someone confesses, the crime is basically undetectable.

All we need to do is look at how bulk-mail compares with in-person voting which has long been the gold standard of election security.  At the voting site, voters are protected from any kind of political influence.  A ballot is given only after the list of eligible voters is checked and their ID is presented.  Voters are monitored while they vote.  The secrecy of the ballot is always kept.  Finally, a formal chain of custody assures that ballots are handled securely until they are counted.

By contrast, bulk-mail voting in many states starts with unrequested ballots being mailed to millions of names on poorly maintained voter lists.  Most ballots are received by their intended recipients, voted and returned.  However, others get lost in the mail or are delivered to people who have moved or died.  Others go to some mentally incapacitated voters who are “helped” by third parties to cast their vote.  Believe it or not, some ballots are even sold!  To compound and make matters worse, signature matching is used as a substitute for actual ID verification.  However, signature matching is a vague or ill-defined “art”, with no objective standards, and which has been demonstrated many times to be unreliable.  Ten states and The District of Columbia verify that a mail-in ballot envelope has been signed, but signature verification is not conducted.

Of course, the Far Left supports “all mail-in voting”.  They want to use dirty voter rolls to print and mail ballots.  This means that hundreds, if not millions, of ballots are circulating in the mail creating a huge amount of “live” but unmarked ballots that can be corruptly cast!  Think about this.  In 2022 in Nevada, it was estimated that approximately 1.8 million ballots were mailed to the state’s voters, but only about 800,000 ballots were cast.  Just think about the kind of fraud that can occur with those other one million ballots!

Are you aware that the federal government is using its vast resources and its largest agencies including the Dept. of Education, the Dept. of Agriculture, the Dept. of Health and Human Services, and the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development to register new voters and expand mail-in balloting with the help of nonprofits?  This is being done through Biden’s Executive order 14019 which states, “The head of each agency shall evaluate ways in which the agency can, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, promote voter registration and voter participation.”  This order has already forced U.S. Marshalls to change more than 900 contracts with prisons and jails to provide voter registration documents and to make it easier for inmates to use mail-in ballots.

Biden’s executive order includes the instruction for federal agencies to find ways to distribute “vote-by-mail ballot application forms” along with assisting applicants in completing the application “in a manner consistent with all relevant State laws.”  Aren’t elections under the purview of states, not the federal government?  Wouldn’t it be a problem to let the president decide where massive resources are channeled?  This is why the Founders gave election authority to the states and not to the federal executive.

It only makes common sense to the average American citizen that ballots submitted through the mail are inherently less secure than verified, in-person voting by a citizen who shows identification before casting his or her ballot.  The NCSL cautions that “if a voter is marking a ballot at home, and not in the presence of elections officials, there may be more opportunity for coercion by family members or others.”  A recent NCSL study indicates that 28 states, including the key swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, currently offer “no-excuse” absentee voting, which means that any voter can request and cast an absentee ballot without giving a reason.  Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Vermont and the District of Columbia automatically mail absentee ballots to all voters.  In the remaining fifteen states such as Texas, voters must give an acceptable excuse (such as illness or disability, being out of state, or being overseas on Election Day) to qualify for an absentee ballot.

The fact is that the Left has come to the conclusion that the key to winning elections is not winning votes---it is winning ballots!

In the words of Michael Savage, “Once you start tolerating anything, you start to tolerate everything.  When anything goes, everything goes.”  We must go to war against the mass mail-in ballots!  It will be impossible to have a secure election this year if mass vote-by-mail operations continue the way that they are!  Also, signatures MUST be verified on all mailed ballots!

Mr. Jack McPherrin, a research editor at the Heartland Institute and one of the authors of the previously mentioned study, argues that the United States is capable of going back to a system where the majority of people, on Election Day, present ID and vote in person, and the country knows the results by the next day.  He said, “It’s absurd to think we can’t do that.  We’ve done that many times in the past and we can continue to do that moving forward; we just need to revert to the systems that we had in place in 2016, 2012, and 2008.”

According to McPherrin, “What can be more important than ensuring election security in a democratic republic?  I can’t think of a single other thing that’s more important because it’s the foundation of our entire constitutional republic, and without secure elections, we will not have a functioning democratic republic for much longer.”

Many Republicans say that we must match the mail-in efforts of the Democrats to win the 2024 election.  You and I both know that the cheaters will try to steal this election if we don’t do everything in our power to stop them.   I firmly believe that we can do ballot chasing, not ballot harvesting, as I believe Turning Point USA is trying to do right now.  We can always vote early in-person or drop our ballot off at early voting sites.  We can also drop our ballot off on Election Day at election voting sites.  Isn’t the integrity of our elections worth the effort, or are we going to be sheeple and go along with the fraudulent actions of the Left because we choose the easy way.  I leave that to your consciences to answer.

“If we forget what we did, we won’t know who we are.  I’m warning of an eradication of the American memory that can result, ultimately, in an erosion of the American spirit.”  President Ronald Reagan

Irene Lavor, Precinct Committeeman 178, LD17.      

May 20, 2024

Take Back Pima County

By Betsy Brantner Smith, Precinct Committeeman

It seems that every election cycle we hear “this is the most important election of our lifetime,” but I’m afraid that 2024 is it, it’s truly do-or-die for our state and our nation on so many levels. And the issues aren’t just national ones, our local elections for Sheriff, Board of Supervisors, State Legislature, and various School Boards are critical for day-to-day life in Pima County.

Right now, we’re in the middle of the primary, but once the GOP slate is decided on July 30th, Republicans in Pima County are going to need to come together like never before. We are going to need every volunteer, every penny, and every vote to take back Pima County. We’re going to need people to work HARD, and like my friend Janet “JL’ Wittenbraker says, VOTE HARD too. And yet as I write this, I see so many Republicans focused solely on only fighting with other Republicans. In fact, since becoming a Precinct Committeeman, I’ve never seen so much vitriol, misinformation, unnecessary angst and self-focused nonsense spewed forth on a regular basis by my fellow “Republicans.”

Who’s more MAGA, who’s a “better” Republican, who’s been involved longer, who belongs to what club, who listens to what radio station, whose candidate is better, who was a better chair, and on and on and on. If all of this emotion and energy was directed at the Democrats, Pima County would be bright red. If we don’t change this trend, and change it immediately, we are going to lose Pima County to the far left.

Here's some truths, observations, and suggestions for all of us from someone who is relatively new to Arizona politics:

  • Just because you’ve been involved in local politics for a long time doesn’t mean you’ve been successful. In fact, since moving to Pima County in 2013, I’ve seen crime and my property taxes go up, and the City of Tucson move further and further to the far left. I’ve seen the border open up, and I’ve watched the BOS and other elected officials spend our money more wildly than ever before. In other words, it seems as though despite all of the bragging from my fellow Pima County Republicans, mostly Democrats win here in Pima County. Stop telling newly involved people like me things like “that’s the way we’ve always done it,” because you know what? YOUR WAY hasn’t done the county much good. Let’s try new things and let’s encourage everyone to get involved, and that includes Independents and people who used to be (cue the audible gasp) Democrats.

  • Republican and “conservative” clubs are a great idea; they’re a fun way to network, meet like-minded people, listen to candidates, and sometimes raise a little money. I’ve had a lot of fun speaking at and attending club meetings. But dressing up and having a nice lunch doesn’t get candidates elected. Neither does being a being a Precinct Committeeman who does nothing but go to one meeting a year. Attend a Board of Supervisor’s meeting, host a candidate meet and greet on your back porch, have a post card party, put some signs in your front yard, reach out to your favorite candidate and ask them what you can do for them. Some clubs do some great grassroots work in Pima County, but make sure you’re doing more than just “meeting.”

  • Stop pointing your finger at other Republicans and take a good, hard look in the mirror. What are YOU doing to get out the vote, what are YOU doing to help raise funds, what are YOU doing to elect every single Republican on the 2024 ballot in Arizona? Talking about your past involvement isn’t “activism,” its “narcissism,” and it doesn’t get candidates elected. We have to live in the present. What you did last year, last election, or in the last decade DOES NOT MATTER, winning elections does.

  • Embrace new folks and new ideas. Here in Pima County we have a wonderful resource in Turning Point Action (TPAction.com), and yet I see so much negativity and suspicion directed at them and their initiatives by people we’ll call “Republican purists.” Instead of attacking what you don’t understand or didn’t come up with, sign up for a Turning Point Action Coalition (coalitions.com) and lend some of your experience to one of their groups. Attend a training, learn how to chase ballots, go to one of their events, talk to one of their representatives (who are everywhere) or invite them to your club. The days of Barry Goldwater and the “McCain Machine” are long gone. Arizona is firmly in the hands of the Democrats, and older Arizona Republicans are so busy talking about the past and fighting each other that they (WE) are letting the Left continue to take over.

  • We have some excellent Republican candidates here in Pima County running for local and national office, and it’s great to have choices, but once the primary is over it’s all hands on deck. Whether “your” candidates are on the final ballot or not, we must all get behind everyone with an “R” after their name, and that includes President Trump. As my pastor says, “God sometimes uses ungodly men” (the Bible is filled with examples). Like all of us, Donald Trump is human. If you don’t like the GOP nominee, look at the GOP platform. There can be nothing worse for Pima County (or this nation) than allowing more Democrats to get elected. It’s time to truly vote our values.

Look, you can keep pointing fingers at each other and talking about the past. You can wear a sparkly red hat, go to a few luncheons, watch Fox News and post a couple of Facebook memes, or you can lace up your red tennis shoes, download one of the new apps, embrace alternative news sources, meet some new people and join us in saving Pima County. We need each other now like never before.